MagiC Carpets visits Kaunas 2022 - Kauno Bienalė

MagiC Carpets visits Kaunas 2022


The carpet rose for its first flight in 2018, stopping in numerous countries along the way, to finally rest at the Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022. The first 4 years of the mystical “MagiC Carpets” journey were summed up in the “MagiC Carpets: Landed” exhibition, which showcased 57 emerging artists from all over Europe.

Now, the carpet ascended again for a second chapter of its odyssey, this time starting it off with a meeting with the “MagiC Carpets” Platform Members. On the 22 nd of May, 16 Members gathered in Kaunas, Lithuania, for a series of conferences and presentations focused on the future of “Magic Carpets” and the goals of the platform. For 4 days, they discussed upcoming projects and reflected on the concepts of community, responsibility and equality, stopping at events and exhibitions hosted by “Kaunas 2022” along the way.

Photos by Gintarė Žaltauskaitė.