

Price in Lithuania – 12 EUR (Lietuvos paštas delivery service)
Price in Europe – 17 EUR (Lietuvos paštas delivery service)
Price sending elsewhere – 21 EUR (Lietuvos paštas delivery service)

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  1. It is OBLIGATORY to fill in the information in the table below and provide your contact information.
  2. Make a bank transfer using the details provided below, and as the purpose of the transfer please write “KB11 / (your surname)”.
  3. We will send the publication to you within 2 working days together with the invoice. Having sent the parcel, we shall inform you by an SMS or an email and send you the tracking number.


Kauno bienale, VsI
Bank account: LT227044060007890555;
Company code: 302751123;
Payment purpose: KB11 (your surname)

In case you have questions, address them by email at info@kaunas.biennial.lt or by phone +37060614370


Order form:

VšĮ “Kauno bienalė”
Plento g. 1 d, Kaunas LT45393, Lietuva
Įmonės kodas 302751123
Tel. +37062998182
Biudžetinė sąskaita: LT627044060007822032


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